The following are the list of projects run under Kruti so far :
Kruti -1 - Hobby Classes
When : 12May 2006- 2 July 2006
What: In the first project, we conducted hobby classes for around 30-40 children/youth from the age group ranging from 6 yrs to 20 yrs spanning over a period of 8 weeks. This project grew beyond our wildest dreams as children learnt and excelled in each of the various art forms. The hobby classes included the following streams:
- Painting
- Music
- Dance
- Photography
Hobby Classes were run on Saturdays and Sundays.
At the end of 8 weeks, We organized a festival with around 200 guests on 9th July celebrating all that we have created in the 7-8 weeks
- The festival displayed the photographs clicked by the children and their paintings.
- There was a song and dance event from the children who participated in the music and dance classes.
- Kruti was featured in the Hindu on 20th July, 2006
- We had Mr. D K Chowta as the chief guest
Kruti 2 - Arabian Nights - An English Play
When : Jan 2007 - 24 April 2007
What: In the second project, the children requested us to teach them spoken English. We decided to do an English play to tackle this challenge. Arabian Nights - was the chosen play. We needed to start from teaching the children basic English. But then, the children wanted to do the play! - So they struggled to get their lines right :)! Children and youth who were not so confident of themselves, started to carry themselves with grace and poise as they got more and more involved into the role of the king, queen, princess, ministers, soldiers ! The evolving of the children was beautiful to watch.
Kruti 3 - Chess Classes
When : Aug 2007 - Dec 2008
What: We conducted chess classes for a period of one and half years for around 10 children. It was a great experience teaching chess to children of various age groups. For children below 9 years of age, our primary aim was to keep the children's focus and keep them involved in the game. For the children between 9 to 14 years of age, our aim was to equip them with intellectual knowledge and skills for them to compete with the best.
On April 28, 2008, 6 children from this training camp got a chance to compete with the best in the class at the 'CV Raman' chess competition.